Protection of Structural Integrity in Energy and Transport

Protection of Structural Integrity in Energy and Transport

Centre of Excellence for Structural Health

Centre of Excellence for Structural Health

ZaCjel Project

Development of an integrated system for monitoring and managing of dynamically loaded structures

The ZaCjel project brings together scientists from three Croatian faculties with the aim of developing an integrated system of supervision and management of dynamically loaded structures as an intelligent solution aimed at meeting the needs of the energy and transport industry.
The project arose from the activities of the Centre of Excellence for Structural Health - CEEStructHealth, which acts as a central point of various activities that have the common goal of protecting the integrity of structures, ie preventing damage and extending the life of structures.
The Center brings together researchers from three Croatian faculties, students, associates from industry and numerous individuals whose field of activity shares the same goal with the Center. The Center was established in 2014 as part of the IPA III C project Ceestructhealth and brings together projects whose stories we bring in one place, this page.


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CEEStructHealth projects

Projects developed within the Center of Excellence for Structural Health
Projects with different activities and partners and a commong goal of protection of structural integrity.
  • ImproWE - Improvement of High-efficiency Welding Technology
  • MultiSintAge - Multiscale Numerical Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Ageing Processes in Sintered Structural Components
  • ET-RISE - Infrastructural Strengthening of RDI Capacities in the Field of Energy and Transport
  • and many others ...
